Paladin Knight是一家專業運營供暖、水暖衛浴、管道系統、地熱系統,向全球各地提供優秀的產品,公司產品并以簡單高效、質地精良及獨特的歐洲復古設計而聞名。 Paladin Knight公司以打造更高科技,更低能耗、更加健康、更加舒適的家為企業使命,獲得了消費者與合作伙伴的高度認可的同時,不斷探索創新,始終屹立行業前端,引領舒適家居新潮流。 公司于2008年開始進入中國,目前在浙江、上海、江蘇等地都建立了合作伙伴,提供一站式整體服務,并建立起完善的售后體系,受到廣大客戶的肯定。我們將繼續開拓中國市場,提供更加優質的產品和服務,讓更多的人認識我們,選擇我們! Pala din Knight屬上海佰羅旗下代理品牌之一,上海佰羅公司代理品牌: 德國PRINETO、Paladin Knight 、上海藍楓。
Pala din Knight is a professional manufacturer of supplying heating, bathroom mixers, plumbing and geothermal system. It supplies good quality products to all of the world. Paladin Knight is famous for its simple, efficient, fine and unique European retro design.Paladin Knight's mission is to create a higher technology, lower energy, healthier and more comfortable home", which is highly recognized by consumers and partners. At the same time, Paladin Knight explores innovation constantly, always stand in front of this industry field, leads the new trend of comfortable household.Our company entered into China Market in 2008, until now, we already have many partners in lots of places, such as Zhejiang, Shuanghai, Jiangsu and so on. All of them can offer one-stop service, together with perfect after-sale service system which was so well received by customers. We will always keep expanding the China Market, and provide customers with more quality products and better service to let more and more customers know us and choose us. Paladin Knight is one of Shuanghai Bailuo agent brands, which includes PRINETO of Germany, Knight of Germany and Lanfeng of Shuanghai.